June 29, 2020

It’s the Perfect 10

I pray this is the craziest summer we’ll ever encounter. There is no rhyme or reason to what day it is. I have to consult my calendar to even remember the month! June 14 was my birthday and I asked myself, Was it really only a year ago that I first held my published book in hand and shared a celebratory video with everyone?

Now I find myself searching for direction. Trying to sort out priorities and responsibilities and inevitabilities. The momentum of this personal milestone of publishing my first novel has lost precedence. Is anyone else feeling the same? I can’t help but believe it is so.

There is no peace in my soul without the consistency and timeliness of the Word. No matter what, I’m committed to spending time in stillness and reflection with the Truth that is rock solid and never-changing. My weariness threatens to drag me down, then scriptures pop up all around providing something to cling to and stay afloat. I write them on cards and post them where they can’t be missed. I’ve also begun recalling the scripture songs I taught my sons when they were young so I can sing them around the house.
One such song is a little ditty called “The Perfect Ten.” It’s a quirky way to remember the ten commandments, but I’ve found in singing them a sense of order. The news clearly illustrates that chaos governs our land. This song reminds me there are guidelines that, if followed, provide stability and peace in our individual realm of influence. And how wise and benevolent is our Father that He kept it to ten? The first four address our relationship with Him. The final six cover our relationships with each other. 

The opening line is this:
Number 1: We’ve just begun, God should be first in your life. 

And we could stop right there. Focusing on that one would make us all better humans.

But just in case you need reminding as I did, here are the rest:Number 2: The idol rule, those graven images aren’t nice.
Number 3: God’s name should be never spoken in jest.
Number 4: The Sabbath is for our worship and our rest.
Number 5: We all should strive to honor father and mother.
Number 6: Don’t get your kicks from killing one another.
Number 7: Life is heaven when you’re true to your mate.
Number 8: Don’t steal and break this rule for goodness sake.
Number 9: Don’t be the kind who goes around telling lies.
Number10: Don’t covet when you see your neighbor’s house or wife.

That’s the list and God insists we stay away from these sins.
That is why we memorize commandments one through ten.

My personal challenge and one I’d offer to you is that we each draw a circle around ourselves and begin seeking to follow these ten commandments. And in keeping with the teachings of Christ remember this passage from Mark 12:

Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. 30 And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ 31 The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”Be Kind. Love Well.~ Tonda

Hi I’m Tonda! 

Welcome! I'm Tonda and this is where you get to know me well. I'll openly share my faith journey and my Solomon crew - All things pretty and not so pretty. I think you'll recognize our similarities in your own adventure. When you do will you share with me?

I’m really happy you’re here! 


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