My daddy was always singing. He sang when he was happy. He sang when he was sad. He sang songs to God. He sang songs to us. The music came from a sweet, sacred space within, seeming to start in his toes and bubble up till it flowed from his lips.
One such tune he frequently sang was by The Mills Brothers, “You Always Hurt the One You Love.” It seemed an odd choice coming from the man who woke me with Oh What A Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma. Who entertained me on long car rides with the chorus of “I Love A Parade” from Music Man. Who encouraged me with “It Took A Miracle” by Eddie Arnold.
I was most confounded by the first two lines which were:
You always hurt the one you love
The one you shouldn’t hurt at all
It simply made no sense to this young girl with an unjaded, romantic view of love. What is love if not kind? Hurting others wasn’t kind. Why would you “always hurt” someone you loved?
Well, life and circumstance have a way of turning over the ground in our souls allowing wisdom to spring up. I can confirm that hurting someone you love isn’t kind. But it is what we humans do.
Strangely, I believe it happens because love provides a safe space. One where, in our selfishness, we might assume we’re always loved in spite of our unseemly behavior.
Hurt and fear lash out swiftly and cruelly and most often have no filter. This is sad but true. And I am guilty as charged. I so often hurt the ones I hold dearest to my heart because I expect they’ll understand. And forgive.
Beginning with God.
So today I’ll start at the top and strive to remember love isn’t rude or bossy. I’ll extend grace when those who profess their love act unbecomingly toward me. I’ll turn the other cheek and wait for them to calm down or come around so we can have an open and constructive conversation. I’ll be the first to apologize and the last to react to their anger.
LORD, help! It’s the only way I can…
That’s what’s on my mind today.
Be Kind. Love Well.
~ Tonda
Thanks For sharing Tonda. A good post! God Bless, Paula