Mary, I see you. Humble, meek, and mild. That’s what we’ve written about you over the centuries. If you weren’t humble, I’d imagine you’d be fiery mad at all the things we’ve said. The way we’ve dressed you and positioned you in our Nativity scenes. The way we’ve...
Recent Posts
Thoughts on Christmas Spirit + a Little Pixie Dust
Where’s your Christmas spirit? I questioned myself in the mirror a few days ago. The reply was a shoulder shrug and a “meh.” That girl needed an attitude adjustment. I’d been staring at a partially-lit Christmas tree for over two weeks. I had Keith bring it up from...
Prayers From a Grateful Heart
I love saying prayers with my grandchildren. For some reason, at this place in my life, their sweet voices thanking God for “my unicorn pillow, my purple blankie, Foster’s (our dog) funny tail, my toothbrush, no rain tomorrow so we can play soccer” (you get the idea)...
The Father’s Love
For the Lord your God is living among you.He is a mighty savior.He will take delight in you with gladness.With his love, he will calm all your fears.He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.- Zephaniah 3:17 You’ll hear me say time and again that my daddy provided an...
The Clear Path
Fall. The season of pumpkin spice and apple cider. Leaves flutter through gusts of wind in cascades of color. No matter the temperature, we swap our flip flops and swimsuits for boots and sweaters. Pumpkins abound, as do hay and dried cornstalks, cranberries, and...
Early Voting: Use Your Voice
We are in the throes of early voting here in Tennessee. I didn’t realize every state doesn’t have this. I try my best to take advantage of it always because inevitably something happens on election day that interferes with making it to the polls. I tend to...

Hi I’m Tonda!
Welcome to my Blog Page! I’m Tonda and this is where I’ll be sharing about topic, topic – all things pretty and not so pretty. There will be this, this, some this, that and more!
I’m really happy you’re here!
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An Ode to Mary
Mary, I see you. Humble, meek, and mild. That’s what we’ve written about you over the centuries. If you weren’t humble, I’d...
Thoughts on Christmas Spirit + a Little Pixie Dust
Where’s your Christmas spirit? I questioned myself in the mirror a few days ago. The reply was a shoulder shrug and a “meh.”...
Prayers From a Grateful Heart
I love saying prayers with my grandchildren. For some reason, at this place in my life, their sweet voices thanking God for “my...